
HNS Incident Scenarios Presentation Tool

The HNS Incident Scenarios presentation has been developed by IMO, the IOPC Funds and ITOPF in close consultation with the International Group of Protection and Indemnity Associations and is complementary to the brochure “The HNS Convention: Why it is Needed”. The presentation is intended to be a further resource and information tool for authorities in IMO Member States as well as for the industry stakeholders to highlight the risk of HNS incidents and make ratification of the Convention a priority.

The presentation can be downloaded here.

HNS Blog

A moderated blog section is available on the home page, allowing States and other interested stakeholders to share information, raise issues and ask questions. Any such questions will receive a response from the Secretariat, and these will be posted online. All interested parties are urged to use this tool so that other interested stakeholders can also benefit and widen their knowledge of the subject.  To post on the blog, please email [email protected].

Useful Links



HNS Why It Is Needed

This six-page brochure published by IMO, in collaboration with the IOPC Funds and ITOPF, explains to States the purpose and benefit of the HNS Convention and encourages IMO Member States to take the next steps to ratify or accede to the Convention.

Download PDF - 3.63 MB
The 2010 HNS Convention

A brochure prepared by the IOPC Funds provides important information on the HNS Convention and the 2010 Protocol, including the definition of hazardous and noxious substances, reporting requirements, coverage and financing.

To obtain paper copies of the HNS Brochure free of charge, please write to [email protected].

Download PDF - 471.56 KB
Are HNS spills more dangerous than oil spills?

A white paper for the Interspill Conference and IMO Research and Development Forum, Marseilles, May 2009

Download PDF - 442.93 KB
Review of chemical spills at sea and lessons learnt

Compiled by CEDRE from Bonn Agreement and HELCOM Reports; a white paper for the Interspill Conference, Marseilles, May 2009.

Download PDF - 479.28 KB